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TEMteam has been partnered with a number of TEM companies ever since 2008. It is after an additional 4 years of experience at a Telecom Operator building strategy in the UC & TEM markets that TEMteam has gained insight to a veritable roadmap to Digital Transformation.

Mobile Phone

Cloud, 5G & Mobility together

Mobile computing, wireless networks, and cloud computing are three technologies converging into a field called Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). 

Within this networked, MCC society, people’s work patterns and life styles will change dramatically.

The sheer bandwidth and capacity of the emerging 5th generation (5G) mobile networks means rapid changes in multiple industries (Telecom Operators/MVNO's, "Everything as a Service (EaaS)", TEM Providers, Enterprises, etc.)

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Connecting the correct Person (VoIP) or Thing (IoT)

In our blog entitled "Digital Transformation Glue", an MCC world, relies on the unicity of Mobile Voice (& Chat) to enable addressability, identification, interaction, collaboration and transactions.

This is the PBX's (Private Branch Exchange) very function: to serve as an exchange or switchboard and connect communicating parties.

The listing of the extensions/connections of these switchboards could be contained within the PBX or better referenced (through API's) on external listings (LDAP, Exchange, HR listings, etc.). 

With this "Cloud-PBX" solution TEMteam can now positively identify and address any person or thing/application (IoT) within that Closed User Group (CUG) including "virtual extensions" that can be mapped to mobile phones.

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For Small & Medium Enterprises (SME)

For smaller companies (15-to-1000 mobile employees). A Cloud-PBX can be hosted serving just that Closed-User-Group (CUG) and doesn't even require an office location or fixed-line-phones.

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Unlimited, Upwards Scalability

As mentioned in the "Identity & Addressability" section, the CUG listings of these switchboards could reference corporate ERP's, LDAP, Exchange, HR listings, etc.

The "Cloud-PBXs" now serve an additional function as distributed,  ”Digital switchboards” and fully extends/enables Rich or enhanced voice AND data communications all the way out to the mobile phone.

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"Single Source of Truth"

The secret to upwards scalability and federating "Cloud-PBX's" together lies in referencing the most complete and reliable "single-source-of-truth" identity database in an organization.

Zooming in on  the SD-WAN Global Environment, this is where TEMteam's combination of Cloud-PBX product set and MNC integration experience and talent shine.

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